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Welcome home! Inner Path is a nonprofit spiritual organization dedicated to serving the wondrous soul that you are. We do this through sharing our love and understanding of yoga and meditation and the many ways that it is universally applicable for people of all faiths and cultures.
Through our many projects we endeavor to provide you with helpful blogs and information, useful and inspiring products, healing prayers, uplifting music and so much more. Our Center in Nevada City, California provides another avenue of service with wonderful classes, group meditations, a healing room, library and beautiful boutique. If you’re ever in the area, please do come and visit.
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From Our Blog
Product news, inspiring and helpful articles; it's just a click away.
Manifesting with Intent: Journaling & Meditation for Personal Growth
You hear these key phrases thrown around on a daily basis, “Be vulnerable. …
How to Choose the Right Journal for You
Many people use journals throughout their lives to reflect, to set intentions, …
How to Meditate: Learning to Meditate for Beginners
Meditation can be practiced anytime, anywhere, for as little as 10 minutes a …