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Ayurveda, the science of life, is the extraordinary natural healing tradition of India, going back over five thousand years.  It is closely connected with the profound yoga and meditation paths of the region, emphasizing consciousness and the foundation of health and well-being.  Ayurveda is a powerful system of mind-body medicine covering all aspects of physical, psychological and spiritual healing.  It teaches us the language of nature so that we can take control of our own karma.  It unlocks the secret healing powers of nature, transmitting the wisdom of the life-force (prana).

                                                     From "Ayurveda, Nature's Medicine", Dr. David Frawley and Dr. Subhash Ranade

See our ayurvedic daily routine article and learn about the rhythms of the three doshas of ayurveda in daily life. Or contact us for an online Ayurveda herbal remedy consultation.

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